DOMOVA expands its presence: 2024 year in review
The year 2024 marked a period of growth for DOMOVA. We entered the Moldovan market, established a partnership with the Realist Estate Agency, and are preparing to launch in Romania. DOMOVA continues to support property owners and investors in bringing collaborative projects to life.
We close 2024 with great news! This year brought its share of challenges but also became a period of active growth and expansion for DOMOVA.
The headline news – we successfully entered the Moldovan market. Our platform is now operating in Chișinău, where we’ve partnered with one of the local real estate market leaders – the Realist Estate Agency. Thanks to this partnership, DOMOVA is opening up new opportunities for property owners in Chișinău to realize the full potential of their assets.
We greatly value our collaboration with the Realist Estate Agency, which helps us adapt to the market’s specifics and contributes to modernizing the housing stock in Moldova’s capital. Together, we’re creating opportunities for growth and investment.
We continue to improve our platform. Every new market brings us new knowledge and insights into how best to help property owners and investors find common ground and implement successful projects.
And we have bold plans for the future – we’re currently working hard on entering the Romanian market. This will be the next big step in our mission to transform old buildings into new opportunities for the development of cities and their residents.
At DOMOVA, we believe every old building can be the start of positive changes in a city. Our platform is the place where these changes begin, where property owners meet investors, and where old structures get a chance for a new life.
Thank you to all our users and partners for your trust and collaboration in 2024. Ahead lies a new year, new cities, and new successful projects!
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